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Coding methods and principles (part 3)

By Mark Jones 19th June 2015

Inversion of Control (IoC) In the previous article (part 2), we talked about using Dependency Injection and Programming to an Interface to make your code more modular. However, we realised that we still had an issue with confusion and complexity whenever we needed to instantiate a class that requires a lot of arguments to be passed to it. Also if any of the classes arguments needed changing, then we would have to go through all our code and mod...

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Coding methods and principles (part 2)

By Mark Jones 8th June 2015

Real World Example In the previous article in this series, I spoke about dependency injection using cars and engines as an example. In this article I will show you a more practical example by showing you how easy it can be for your system to switch between different database ORMs (Eloquent and PDO in this example) without having to recode everywhere that interacts with the database. Just in case you're not sure what an ORM is, ORM stands for O...

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